Palm Harbor Campuses
J. Stephen Putnam Park
799 Riviere Rd.
Palm Harbor, Florida 34683
Directions to Field
- 11 vs 11 Field
- 9 vs 9 Fields
- 7 vs 7 Fields
Located just off of US19 on Riviere Road in Palm Harbor, Putnam Park is made of 3 main fields and is used for our camps, clinics, Little Rascals, recreational games/trainings and competitive games/trainings.

Centre Field at CSA
1500 16th St.
Palm Harbor, Florida 34683
Directions to Field
- 11 vs 11 Field
- 9 vs 9 Fields
- 7 vs 7 Fields
Located behind The Centre and home to the Community Services Agency in Palm Harbor, Centre Field is one large open field that is used for camps, clinics, Little Rascals, recreational games/trainings and competitive games/trainings.

Sunderman Complex
1631 9th St.
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Directions to Field
- 9 vs 9 Field
- 7 vs 7 Fields
- Covered Futsal Court
This multipurpose complex in Palm Harbor is on the West side of Alt US19 and has open field space that is used for camps, clinics, Little Rascals, recreational games/trainings and competitive games/trainings. There is also a covered hockey rink at this location that is used for clinics, trainings and Futsal.

Palm Field
1151 Riviere Rd.
Palm Harbor, FL 34683
Directions to Field
- 7 vs 7 Fields
- Training Fields
Located down the street from Putnam Park in Palm Harbor, Palm Field is a large open field that is used for camps, clinics, Little Rascals, recreational trainings and competitive trainings.